Homemade Coffee Hair Dye

Homemade Coffee Hair Dye For Grey Hair | Only 2 Ingredients!

Last Updated on 05/02/2022 by Miki

What would you do if you found a jar of instant coffee in your pantry? You would probably say ” Boil water and make coffee”. Well, I found a forgotten jar of instant coffee behind other food in the pantry the other day. I have bought the jar for camping and baking since I make coffee with my espresso machine at home. It was sitting there too long and I decided to get rid of it. However, I didn’t want to simply throw it into the bin. What did I do then? Well, I made coffee hair dye for my grey hair! When I was searching for useful ways to reuse coffee grounds after brewing coffee, I came across the idea of coffee hair dye. I was really curious as I wanted to cover my grey hair naturally without using any harsh chemicals that most hair dyes contain. I have tried a hair dye for fun only once a long time ago and never tried henna.  

Coffee hair dye is surprisingly easy to colour your hair with and it can provide you with a change you might not get from natural hair colour. If you’re looking for a way to limit the occurrences of grey hair and you are finally ready to colour your hair, then coffee hair dye might be the perfect option for you. I know you love the smell of brewed coffee in the morning, so why not apply that smell to your hair? Actually, most methods I found online require brewing strong coffee and seem very messy. I just wanted to have my little experiment over a long weekend without any hassle. Here is what I did.

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How To Make Coffee Hair Dye At Home

Please note the amount I made was just enough to cover the top of my head since my grey hair was most noticeable there and I simply wanted to have a LITTLE experiment. I didn’t want to spend too much time on dying my grey hair because there were other things to do on the weekend as you know.  You can easily adjust the amount depending on your need.  

What You Will Need:

  • 1 tbs instant coffee ( I recommend this dark roast.) 
  • 1 tbs conditioner
  • A small spoon or a silicone pastry brush (It’s good to have one like this.)
  • a shower cap


  1. In a small ramekin, add the instant coffee and conditioner.  instant coffee and conditioner
  2. Mix well with a spoon or a pastry brush until it becomes a paste. instant coffee and conditioner
  3. Pour the mixture onto your hair and smooth it out so that it covers grey hair. coffee hair dye
  4. Carefully cover your hair with a shower cap and wait for about one hour.
  5. Rinse your hair with cool water until the colour of the water isn’t brown any longer. Do not shampoo or use warm water.
  6. Repeat the steps once a week.


  • You may want to protect your clothes by covering your shoulders with a towel. In my case, I didn’t and it wasn’t messy as my paste was quite thick.
  • After rinsing your hair, you will need to rinse your shower wall too since splashed brown water can get stuck there.

The Result Of My Little Coffee Hair Dye Experiment

Before jumping into the result, let me tell you that I tried the experiment two days in a row since it seemed necessary at the beginning and for effectiveness.

Did my coffee hair dye cover my grey hair? 

Coffee Hair Dye

Well, I feel it has sort of worked as I find some of my grey hair less noticeable. However, I don’t think my homemade dye is as effective as other hair dyes. Unfortunately, I can still see my grey hair clearly. Having said that, it must be one of the most economical ways to dye your hair. Furthermore, I didn’t mind the aroma of coffee. Actually, it was a lot better than that chemical smell from salon hair dye for sure. Some people say coffee hair dye is good for making your hair shiny and glossy. From my experiment, my hair that was covered by the dye feels more manageable than it was. 


How Long Does Coffee Dye Stay In Your Hair?

Did you know that coffee dye can stay in your hair for some time? If left untreated, this can lead to dry, brittle, and damaged hair. So how long does it last? Well, it can take anywhere from 2-3 weeks for hair to return to its natural colour. The length of the lasting period mainly depends on how often you wash your hair. If you want the coffee hair dye to last longer, then you will need to rinse your hair with cool water. Therefore, I recommend that you try this experiment in summer.


Side Effect Of Coffee On Hair

There are many people who cannot function in the morning without their coffee. Coffee is a great drink that can pick you up and give you that extra energy you need to get through the day. However, what not many people know is that coffee can also have some negative side effects. One of the side effects of coffee on hair can be seen in the form of a damaged hair shaft. This is because coffee is known to be acidic. When you drink coffee, the acid can damage the cuticle layer of your hair shafts, causing damage to the hair’s structure and appearance. You may find that your hair looks dull and dry, and no amount of conditioning can restore its vitality. Although caffeine in moderation is not bad for your hair, when you drink too much, this can be harmful. So moderation is key when drinking coffee.

Final Thoughts

Coffee hair dye is definitely one of the safest hair dyes for your hair. If you are sensitive to chemicals or if you are pregnant, it is worth considering making your own coffee hair dye at home. With this method, you can still dye your hair naturally. To make it even better, it’s extremely easy and economical. With that being said, for your grey hair, I’m afraid that homemade dye is not so effective from my experiment. However, if you want to go natural and enjoy the aroma of the coffee, then why don’t you try it for yourself? It will be a new and fun experiment! 

Speaking of the aroma of the coffee, I enjoy using a coffee scrub weekly. It contains real coffee grounds and I love the aroma while washing my body in the shower. It is good for exfoliating your skin. Let me know in a comment below to share your experiment 🙂

100% Natural Arabica Coffee Scrub 260ml with Organic Coffee, Coconut and Shea Butter – Best Acne, Anti Cellulite and Stretch Mark treatment, Spider Vein Therapy for Varicose Veins & Eczema

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